Mahender Verma
Technology / Internet
About Mahender Verma:
I am a passionate electronics and communication engineer. I have built many amazing products for many years now.
I have 9+ years of experience with Electronic Hardware Design and Arduino programming. And have completed many projects on upWork, guru, freelancer holding a Top Rated Developer.
Recently completed below listed projects:
** Control and Driver board system for an award-winning Air Conditioner & Air Purifier
** High Precision Energy Monitoring system
** Air quality monitoring related devices.
**Driver and control board for Washing Machine
** GPS tracker system and devices for special use for transport refrigeration and heating for trailers, trucks, buses, rail cars and shipboard containers
Hardware Boards: Arduino | TI | ESPRESSIF |Raspberry PI |Samsung ARTIK | Digi spark| Intel Edison |BeagleBone Black Industrial.
A lot of projects i worked on involved Home automation | Data logging | Sports device | ECG & EEG | Smart Garbin |Vehicle and personal tracker devices |Green house automation | Smart Energy meter and many more projects.
Can integrate MS EXCEL with Arduino
IOT projects interfacing MQTT and similar protocols.
Recently completed below listed projects:
** Control and Driver board system for an award-winning Air Conditioner & Air Purifier
** High Precision Energy Monitoring system
** Air quality monitoring related devices.
**Driver and control board for Washing Machine
** GPS tracker system and devices for special use for transport refrigeration and heating for trailers, trucks, buses, rail cars and shipboard containers
My highest qualification is Bachelors of technology in electronics and communication