beBee background
saleem basha

saleem basha

mongo db dba

Technology / Internet

Vinukonda, Guntur


About saleem basha:

  • Having 3.7 years of IT Experience as a MongoDB Database Admin & Developer.
  • Install and configure MongoDB in Linux and windows machines.
  • Expertise in user management and create Schemas and work with Privileges, Roles.
  • Proficient in working with Linux Ubuntu. 
  • Upgraded Mongo servers from lower to higher version.
  • Monitoring Mongo Query performance tuning by using (Explain Plan, Mongo profiles, Mongo stats, Mongo top).
  • Work closely with the team within the defined processes and procedures.
  • Familiar with MongoDB backup and recovery strategies. 
  • Ensure performance, security, and availability of databases.
  • Troubleshooting the log space issues.
  • Configuring Sharding, monitoring, and identify the proper shard key.
  • Data migration between various databases and across the platform.
  • Answer end-user questions via phone/chat and email on all company supported applications.
  • Enable authentication and create users and roles as per requirements.
  • Identify slow queries and improved the performance by adding necessary indexes and worked with hint operator.
  • MongoDB Ops Manager to monitor Mongo DB deployments.
  • Created automation scripts to automate the database administration tasks.


  • Having 3.6 years of IT Experience as a MongoDB Database Admin & Developer.
  • Install and configure MongoDB in Linux and windows machines.
  • Expertise in user management and create Schemas and work with Privileges, Roles.
  • Proficient in working with Linux Ubuntu. 
  • Upgraded Mongo servers from lower to higher version.
  • Monitoring Mongo Query performance tuning by using (Explain Plan, Mongo profiles, Mongo stats, Mongo top).
  • Work closely with the team within the defined processes and procedures.
  • Familiar with MongoDB backup and recovery strategies. 
  • Ensure performance, security, and availability of databases.
  • Troubleshooting the log space issues.
  • Configuring Sharding, monitoring, and identify the proper shard key.
  • Data migration between various databases and across the platform.
  • Answer end-user questions via phone/chat and email on all company supported applications.
  • Enable authentication and create users and roles as per requirements.
  • Identify slow queries and improved the performance by adding necessary indexes and worked with hint operator.
  • MongoDB Ops Manager to monitor Mongo DB deployments.
  • Created automation scripts to automate the database administration tasks.


  • B.Sc from Acharya Nagarjuna University (GUNTUR) - Andhra Pradesh.

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