Post by Shaikh
Shaikh N

Shaikh N

Noman shaikh is a Digital marketing Head at eCliniclatrials ...

Ahmedabad, Ahmadabad

Shaikh N

8 months ago

Top Digital Transformation trends to watch in 2023

As we approach 2023, digital transformation has become a crucial component of any successful business strategy. With evolving customer demands and unexpected external factors, investing in advanced technologies has become a necessity for organizations of all sizes.

Staying ahead of the curve and knowing which trends to prioritize can be overwhelming. That's why we've put together this guide to the top digital transformation trends to watch in 2023.

Whether you're a business leader, an IT professional, or a digital marketer, this article will give you the insights you need to unlock the full potential of exceptional customer experiences and stay competitive in the ever-changing business landscape.

With our research and industry knowledge, you can future-proof your business and ensure its adaptability to the rapidly changing market. 


Top Digital Transformation
Trends to Watch in 2023

Customer Driven



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Trends to Watch

In 2023

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Don't fall behind - Read on to discover the top digital transformation trends of 2023.

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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

How to create a strong mobile strategy for your business in the coming year

Nowadays, it is rare to find a person who does not rely on smartphones or certain types of handheld devices. Mobile apps are now a part of our lifestyle, and we depend on them to stay productive at work, on the road or even in our home.

There are plenty of mobile electronic gadgets on the market that makes the Internet of Things more interesting and interactive for users.

According to recent statistics, smartphone users have exceeded 6 billion and are expected to grow by 7 billion in the next few years. Furthermore, the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions have encouraged users to find their desired products and services with a few clicks.

Thus, businesses must need to unleash a strong mobile strategy that yields leads and sales from such a massive number of mobile users.

Read more: How to create a strong mobile app strategy


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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

Comparing Node.js vs Java: Your Backend Tech Stacks Explained

The popularity of backend technology is beyond seamless operations in this era. The keyword of the modern-day is–fast, better, and wholesome. Hence, the backend technologies enable scalability, flexibility, and sustainability of mobile apps.







Undoubtedly, NodeJS and Java remain the top choices of backend developers. While there are heated arguments and debates worldwide regarding the comparison between NodeJS and Java, it’d be wise to say that both these backend technologies have their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

If you are building a complex web-based application or a mobile app and are perplexed about the comparison between Java and NodeJS, we’ve got you covered. Let’s have a detailed look at the NodeJS vs Java performance. This guide will give you clear and actionable insights into these powerful backend technologies.

What is NodeJS?

NodeJS is a powerful server-side runtime environment for the development of open-source codes. It is deemed a scalable and high-performance framework for syncing programs and web load for single-threaded processes.

The NodeJS framework can boost the backend capability of a web or a mobile app. It is used for the development of single-page applications, backend API services, and websites.

A Snapshot–Top Use Cases of NodeJS

In recent times, developers are constantly looking beyond the normal to improve NodeJS performance. Hence, developers are creating an application in Node.js with distinct features and functionalities. If you are wondering where to use NodeJS, below are its use cases

  • Use of NodeJS for scripting and fostering automation
  • Application of Node.js for the development of backends and servers
  • Scalable solution using Node.js for microservices
  • IoT-based applications can be developed using Node.js for mobile apps
  • Node.js for web applications
  • Complicated single-page apps can be developed using Node.js
  • Node.js for the development of streaming web applications

Read More : Node.js vs Java

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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

How to Handle Time Zone Differences When Working With Offshore Software Development Teams

The last decade has brought many changes, especially for companies modern globalization, cutting-edge tools, innovative technologies, and access to new cultures. Having said that, one advantage that has gained much traction lately is the ability to work with global talent.



 In 2022, companies can seamlessly hire developers without worrying about geographical restrictions. For instance, you can manage an offshore development in Connecticut or Massachusetts no matter how remote your place is. As long as you have steady Wi-Fi, anything is possible. And that's the level of flexibility that distributed teams have.


Time zone difference-the biggest challenge

There is absolutely no doubt that the benefits of hiring an offshore software development team outweigh the drawbacks. That being said, one disadvantage, at least what most businesses think, is the time zone difference. The time zone difference is more than just communicating with the offshore teams.

If not managed efficiently and strategically, collaborating with teams across various time zones can result in miscommunication, delayed delivery timelines, and missing milestones and sabotage the whole project, ultimately putting a dent in your pocket.

As a leading company with the best offshore software development teams, Peerbits has picked up a few tricks and tips along with the way that will assist both the offshore teams and businesses in managing the time zone difference.

Read More: How to Handle Time Zone Differences With Offshore Software Development Teams

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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

A Comprehensive Guide to hiring a flutter app developer to consolidate your product development

Now, flutter app development has progressed to the point where it has a beneficial impact on most organizations across all industries. A customizable and adaptable enterprise app can attract and engage your clients, regardless of whether you run a small or large firm. Flutter outperforms competing cross-platform frameworks in speed, usability, and flexibility.





Since Flutter is a Google product and it has a lot of reputation, which is why it is gaining so much popularity in today's digital market. While it may be tempting to jump directly into the latest and best technology, you never know what is around the corner.

So, you must consider your long-term goals and the kind of apps you want to create before deciding on a new programming language or technological stack.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source software development kit that makes developing cross-platform mobile apps simple and straightforward. Without creating the code for the two apps individually, you can easily construct high-quality natively built apps for iOS and Android.

Flutter is the only framework with a mobile SDK that allows for responsive design without the use of a JavaScript bridge, allowing it to compete with its cousin and direct competitor, React Native in terms of performance. It works with Android, iOS, Linux, MAC, Windows, and Google Fuchsia apps.

If you want to hire flutter app experts, you need first to learn about their specialties. This will assist you in assessing their abilities throughout the interview and test.

Read more: Guide to Hiring a Flutter App Developer

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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

How to build fast and SEO friendly web apps using ReactJs, Redux and NextJs

Everyone is aware of the fact that SEO is the most vital digital marketing tool. No startup or enterprise can grow without using effective SEO practices. SEO is made up of several elements and one must understand the working of these elements to know the SEO as a whole.




Mastering SEO means more traffic, opportunities, and profit for your business. Apart from that, SEO is also useful for building relationships, brand awareness, and establishing yourself as a trustworthy and reliable expert in your respective field.

Importance of SEO

SEO is important as it keeps the search results of search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo fair. It eliminates or reduces the possibility of manipulating search results. In the absence of SEO, it would be extremely easy to manipulate the search results.

In simple words, SEO is Google’s way to determine the rank of sites for the query entered into the search engine. To gain higher SEO ranks, websites must appeal to its visitors along with meeting all other criteria.

Even the users trust search engine due to SEO. Whenever they find a website ranking on top, then they believe that the site is a credible source for their entered query. The ranking is very crucial as it will fetch more clicks and traffic for your site.

Another thing which makes SEO so special is the fact that it’s cost-effectiveness. Many companies spend a fortune on paid ads for better reach; however, not all companies have that luxury as they are running on a very tight schedule. SEO is a boon for those companies. As it offers them with a cost-effective way to drive qualified traffic without paying for it.

We just saw the significance of SEO; now let’s have a look at its working principle. The search engine utilizes web crawlers to determine any website’s ranking on the search results.

A web crawler is nothing but a bot whose job is to regularly visit the web pages and analysing it as per the specific criteria established by the respective search engine. Every search engine has its own crawler. For example, Google’s crawler name is Googlebot.

Read more: Build SEO friendly web apps using ReactJs, Redux and NextJs

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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

How to start on demand fuel delivery business in your region?

What was your last memory at the fuel station? Don’t remember? Why would you? Refueling your vehicle at a gas or fuel station is one of the most insipid activities in our lives.


Apart from being a dull activity it often becomes irritating if we are in a hurry to reach somewhere.


This situation might soon change as on-demand fuel delivery businesses are blooming in various parts of the world.

These services with the help of an on-demand fuel delivery app are delivering fuel at customer’s doorsteps with just a few taps on the phone.

In this blog, we will discuss what on-demand fuel businesses are? and how can you start one in your region? Before we dive deep, first we need to know what is an on-demand fuel delivery app.

Read More: How to start on demand fuel delivery business ?

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Shaikh N

1 year ago

Nodejs Vs. Go – Settling the debate once and for all!

Today, web developers have a wide range of options available when it comes to choosing a programming language for web development.


 These programming languages or frameworks are not just viable for frontend development, but backend development as well.


Now, in most of the web applications, there is usually more non-UI code than the code which is directly related to end-user interaction.

For instance, data needs to be stored and retrieved, logic has to be in place, and output to be calculated.

This is what backend development is all about. Simply put, it is about writing code to create APIs, cross-platform applications, libraries, and working with components that don’t have user interfaces.

You might already be aware that Node JS. But, Node JS is not the only backend development programming language in the market.

Google’s Go language also seems to be dominating the backend framework programming language market. Furthermore, both Golang and Nodejs can be paired with React Native.

Read more : Nodejs Vs. Go – Settling the debate once and for all!

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Science and Technology

Shaikh N

1 year ago

Node.js vs Python: Which backend technology should you choose for your next project?

Choosing a right programming language is of utmost important when you’re looking to develop an app. And that’s why many business owners and developers find themselves in a dilemma when they have to choose between Node.js and Python as the right backend technology for their project.


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 If you’re also in the same dilemma, then don’t worry as we will compare both of these backend technologies in great detail which will help you to make a better decision.

But before we dive deep into the comparison let’s have a look at the brief overview and pros & cons of Node.js and Python.



Brief overview

Node.js is an open-sourced runtime environment for JavaScript which was released in the year 2009 by Ryan Dahl. It’s a virtual machine that is based on Google’s V8 engine and has in-built compilers, interpreters, and optimizers.

V8 has reputation for its constantly advancing performance and high speed. Google designed this engine in C++ for Google Chrome. The main objective of Node.js is to compile JavaScript functions into the machine code.

Read more: Node.js vs Python

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Shaikh N

1 year ago

Full stack developers Vs Specialised Developers. Which developer should you hire?

The rapid changes in the IT world are raising the bar of standards and skills. Today, a developer needs to be much more than just a specialist of a particular field. Full stack developers are the product of this demand and are quickly becoming a first choice for many enterprises.


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But, is it always wise to hire a jack of all trades than a specialist one?

Many of you might have the same question. In this article we will try to offer some reasonable answers to it. But before that let’s understand what full stack and specialist developers are.

What is a full-stack developer?

A full-stack developer is a developer who can work with both backend and front end of a website and application. In simple terms, a full-stack developer is a developer who can work in the projects that involve building user-facing websites, databases, and also work with clients while they are in the planning phase of the project.

Read more: Full stack developers Vs Specialised Developers

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Shaikh N

1 year ago

Things to consider in Micro-Services architecture for SaaS based product Development

A monolithic architecture for SaaS product development will inevitably be a problem for Independent Software Vendors (ISV) that have built a successful company on a self-developed solution. For them, moving to microservices can serve as the next logical step.

SaaS businesses demand robust agility, cost optimization, and finding a perfect balance between Capital Expenses (CapEx) and Operating Expenses (OPEX).

The answer to such demands lies in moving away from the conventional monolithic architecture to microservices application that improves testing methodologies through a change in DevOps architecture.

In a cloud-SaaS architecture, complex applications consisting of a collection of services and data are decoupled from the programme itself. A microservices architecture organizes an application as a collection of linked services.

What are Microservices?

Microservices is defined as a business’s approach to redefining its software development. Here, small independent services connect with one other through well-defined APIs.

Each service may be created using a distinct programming language, and each service may be tested separately. They are independently deployable and organized according to the business demands.

For instance, consider a microservices-based e-commerce platform where a business capability pivots resources to each microservice —shopping cart, product search, customer review, etc.

Read More: Micro-Services architecture for SaaS based product Development

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Shaikh N

1 year ago

API Testing methodologies: Advantages and Approaches

API testing is one of the most complex yet significant steps in software development as a part of QA testing. There are many benefits of API testing since those can be sophisticated and they frequently depend on protocols and standards that are hard to find in other forms of testing.


While developers prefer to test just the core functionality they are working on, QA testers need to adopt API testing methodology to evaluate functionality, API performance tests, and API security tests. They check whether all components operate together from end to end.


Starting the API Testing

To begin an API testing process, it is essential to have a clear knowledge of API testing methodologies’ scope and purpose.

Here are some basic questions to consider before starting any API tests.


  • What kinds of endpoints can you put to the test?
  • When a request is successful, what are the anticipated response codes?
  • If a request is denied, what response codes should be expected?
  • What error message should be generated when a request is failed?

Once you have proper answers to the questions mentioned above, you can start adopting different testing approaches. The API testing in software development should also be tested to determine what situations or variables testers can assess and whether a certain system works properly and reacts appropriately? This is where test cases come in.


Read More: Know About API Testing Methodologies In Detail 

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Shaikh N

1 year ago

Ultimate Guide on How to Set Up an Offshore Software Development Center (ODC) in India

Quick Summary:

The accelerated digital proliferation is promoting an era of outsourcing all over the world. Based on the findings of the Global Services Location Index (GSLI), India remains the top offshoring destination for organizations across the world.

Moreover, a recent study from Deloitte claimed that around 59% of global nations prefer outsourcing their requirements to India. The popularity of India as an offshore development center seems to be driven by the abundance of developers and software engineers.

From offshore development to testing, the developers can execute every function you can think of.

The Offshore Development Center, also abbreviated as ODC, refers to a physical office which offers dedicated software development services to companies and enterprises worldwide.

To be precise, the ODC contains testers, developers, project managers, copywriters and UI/UX specialists.

Another key highlight of ODC is its versatility. And because of its versatility, an ODC is ideal for both start-ups and large-scale companies.

Plus, establishing an ODC in India is less expensive and more efficient than hiring an in-house IT team.

Companies both in India and from other parts of the world can outsource their requirements at affordable rates. In simple words, hiring an ODC is effective compared to appointing a whole team of developers, and UI/UX experts.

Read more: Ultimate Guide to Offshore Software Development Center

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