
    Online Project, Cipher, Encryption, Decryption, Cryptography, Language, DES, AS tutor - Chandigarh, India - TeacherOn

    TeacherOn background
    Part time
    Need help in a project which involves the following parts:

    Part 1:
    Perform letter frequency analysis on the cipher text to guess the substitution table.
    Implement a brute-force attack on the Affine Cipher to find the key.
    Document the process, including code and steps taken, and reflect on any difficulties encountered.

    Part 2:
    Implement the DES algorithm in your preferred programming language, including key schedule, permutation, SBox, f function, encryption, and decryption.
    Handle key input of any length, encryption, and decryption of standard characters.
    Test your implementation with provided files.
    Report on successful plaintext recovery, difficulties faced, and implications of initializing the key as all 0-bits


    Gender Preference:

    Meeting options:
    Available online - via skype etc.