
    Online Anatomy, Medicine, Human anatomy tutor - Pune, India - TeacherOn

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    I am looking for Anatomy lecturer or surgeon who can help my daughter Shailee in her first year Medicine. She is currently studying at Charles University 2nd faculty at Czech Republic. She passed in all the other subjects but Anatomy.

    She has exam coming up in next few months and I am looking for a tutor who can explain her Human Anatomy with practical and location of veins in different human body location including CNS.

    She will need help in exam preparation as well.
    Looked at your profile and thought you might be perfect to help her.

    Can I request you to have 30 mins introduction session and once you understand her requirements we can go ahead with classes on a weekly basis.

    Many thanks,
    Rakesh Ghodke

    Pune, Maharashtra


    Gender Preference:

    Meeting options:
    Available online - via skype etc.