Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago · 7 min. reading time · ~10 ·

Devesh 🐝 blog


"Absorb what is useful
Discard what is not
Adc what is uniquely your own.”

Hello Blaine Little

I recently read your buzz “When writing was about writing”. 

You are aware that we have disagreed on many occasions but I believe that this one deserves a response in the form of a buzz. 

I admire your writing as I find the expressions of inner conflict quite relatable, but again, I completely disagree with your world view and approach to things.

Since you have accused me of writing comments without reading your material a few times in your earlier buzzes, I have opted to quote you before my responses.

 I hope you read this in good spirit and read this in its entirety.

When writing was about writing by Max J Carter (my responses are embedded in italics within the contents of your buzz here)

It makes me want to puke every time I see a new marketing guide to writing something. The out and out narcissism it takes to tell people to write a particular way if they want to succeed goes against everything I stand for as a Shaman and a humanist. 

It's peer pressure conformity that stinks of the author finding themselves superior to the audience with no humility whatsoever. 

It's subvert bullying of the worst kind, they make you think they are helping you by convincing you to conform. 

My Response:

a) As long as markets exist, so does marketing. Consequently marketing guides exist and grow by numbers.

b) A marketing guide to write something simply introduces me to a new way of writing wherein I can produce new content or a marketable avatar of my writing. 

I would merely see the utility. Marketing is an essential activity; I might as well learn it.

c) The narcissism or superior feeling of the author is irrelevant to me. The focus is the utility of the guide, It does not dilute my original expression, unless I am desperate.

d) If I were desperate, I would surrender to my desperation and to the quick fix interpretation of marketing. 

It was possible that I also surrender to your writing, wanting to puke every time I saw a marketing guide to writing something.

e) I could even develop a hateful stereotype of marketing guides, maybe magnify the lens of hate and evaluate writers and guides through this lens of hate.

f) Maybe miss the point altogether and waste precious years of my life. Then blame you for being a bad influence.

g) But I am not desperate. The author of such guides is not my peer, there is no pressure and any conformity is an informed choice.

In fact the author is subject to my acceptance of his/her prescribed guidance. I filter out the useless.

h) Else I fuel my desperation, deep dive into the concept of subvert bullying and unknowingly surrender to it's power.

Back to you:

There was a time when writing was simply about writing. It was about finding your voice and owning your choice of expression. It was about individual expression not fitting not some narcissistic authority obsessed individual's desire for you to do it a certain way. 

If beBee is about showing off who you are as your brand, your writing style should be as individual as you are or you look like a clone of everyone else and then it becomes about who you can make alliances with to have your work shared out to stand out. 

My Response:

Today is a good time for writing because i can simply keep on writing and express with greater freedom:

a) I can be clinical with the clerical office work on my computer with all the ready formats and earn a lot of self-time to write to and for myself. Write, type, record and then write etc etc.. so many ways to do it and keep writing.

b) Additionally I can blog and self-publish, I am not at the mercy of an editor of some publication house. I can agree with the editor and change. It is the most viable option to improve and align with Writing, professionally.

 I can also disagree and do what I want. Incubate ideas in my own style of writing. Never a better time to write. So many options within so many choices.

c) Writing is still simply about writing. Hence It is best to keep writing. Until the creative ideas and original expressions emerge, keep writing. So much content is accessible to find new topics for practice, so many different ways of writing whether presentations, proposals, technical papers, commercial papers , guides, marketing guides to write something etc etc etc

d) So one must chose a place to start, even if it is something mundane like a guide, and keep writing. As one grows into it, the act of writing reveals the inner voice in the most remarkable of ways. In this regard, I found writing to be more consistent than mere contemplation.

e) Information technology has really impacted the social fabric by providing an audience to the anyone’s voice. So many people speaking their minds. The rest who are not, will learn to do so as they get into the habit of expressing, in this case writing.

f) Any expression is not a narcissist authority, unless I am desperate and accept it as one. Moreover, it is worthless to obsess about obsession unless it fuels an expression, such as yours : )

g) I presume that you let off steam on this one just like anyone who puts in a lot of honest hard work and feels outdone by meticulous copycats. Letting off steam too is part of the creative process and you will emerge with something amazing.

h) On the other hand, If this buzz was about awareness, sadly the aftereffects look worrying to me.

i) Food for thought, even distasteful content involves time and effort and holding contempt is disrespectful. Might I add , such contempt looks contrary to the idea of a “Friendly Shaman Humanist” .

j) I also presume that you act tough and unflinching, but on the inside you lose faith in your methods easily and become inconsistent.

Back to you:

It happens and I have been encouraged to engage in the activity of backdoor deals to get more shares and more views of my work here on beBee. 

This kind of activity undermines why we really write. We don't write to get views or shares, we write to express who we are in the now based on a topic. That's what showing who you are as a brand means in blogging, to reveal more of yourself. 

That is about finding your voice, finding your own style. Once you find you style own that shit or you sell yourself short and lose all that could have been. 

My Response:

As stated earlier, writing is simply about writing. Nothing and nobody can undermine it, unless I am desperate.

a) What exactly is a backdoor deal? I would not worry about it if I were simply writing.

b) On the other hand if I wanted visibility and a few of us helped each other out, would it undermine the writing of someone else?

c) You have liked and shared almost all of my buzzes and I offered no deals, but you hardly gave any feedback unless it was about Bebee.

d) Your approach could have made my desperate self, think that you had offered a backdoor deal to me on the sly.

e) Flood my mind with another excuse for self-loathing that I do not know how to blog cause people have come together to scheme and scam against me.

f) Despite disagreements I have liked and shared your buzzes. Did we telepathically make a backdoor deal : )

g) I fail to understand this. Is it not best to JUST KEEP WRITING, SHARE SOME OF IT AND NETWORK. Just like you did with this buzz?

a. As a desperate person if I would become the part of the “we” that you refer to, I would become a very un-trusting, world-blaming kind of a person.

b. This attitude would suffocate and suppress my true voice.

c. With a little persistence, your voice will become my true voice.

d. You see, the methodology of those you oppose has seeped in to your writing. This method is their domain and you are very lucky that they haven’t ripped you apart for it.

e. How about coming back to your method, where they would feel like amateurs.

On a lighter note, you have inspired me to imagine a world of Content bootleggers and blog mafia. It looks weird now but it has potential ; )

Back to you:

Letting someone else tell you how to write and what you should write about is giving them power over you to manipulate you any way they want. 

After making you sure you get the spelling and the grammar right the only rule to writing is to express yourself in a way other people can understand. 

Trying to make it more than that and you are playing with ideas of elitism and judgement of other people who don't do it that way. 

This is why writing guides of all kinds make me want me sick to my stomach as I watch people give their gift of free will and individual expression away in favor the censored version that fits in with someone else's rules.

Blogging to me is about the art of individual expression and anything that is commercial or superficial is worthless shit and that is the law of art. 

My Response:

a) No one can have power over me through writing, unless I am desperate and delusional. Yes, the desire for acceptance, the burden of guilt and the countless fears and doubts can make anyone serve without any question i.e. Surrender control and be manipulated.

b) My desperate version is paranoid about control and the mechanisms of manipulation. It evaluates you with contempt and sees this buzz in the following manner:

a. You have created apprehensions in the mind of a reader for a generic everyday scenario wherein the burden of guilt and countless fears and doubts may surface consistently within me.

b. You have possibly made me more vulnerable to manipulation and I am not sure if you wanted to help me. It is best that I completely isolate myself from the world and return when I am armed with the tools to handle such manipulation.

c. I would certainly use these tools to combat online manipulation and develop firm conviction to tear down all your attempts to manipulate empaths who would easily be duped by you in times of desperation. This is unacceptable.

c) But I am not desperate. So I won’t resort to the desperate approach. Practically speaking:

a. This is a professional network, marketing is a profession and an essential function for networking and business.

b. It is an enabler in decision making.

c. Compared to other platforms the frequency of such guides would be high with the majority working hard to make a living and share the basics with each other in the form of guides.

d. It is good to take a vacation and surrender control from time to time, especially in a professional engagement. I have a desire for acceptance and to avoid serving without question, I have developed a method of engagement and enumerated my terms of contract. To communicate the same i need to learn how to write in a marketable way.

e. Since Bebee is a blog centric personal branding platform, a marketing guide on writing seems very useful. If not, simply hide the buzz. On any other platform, use the user friendly UI and filter in the useful content.

f. You have an excellent way of writing about inner conflict. Given your videos, you are a nice person going through the motions of inner conflicts. I would simply filter in the positive and the useful and ignore your solutions in general. They do not work for me.

g. I found it most useful to write this buzz so that whenever I come across your magnificent creative rants and almost surrender to your influence, I would return to this buzz and conclude that this is one of your Let off Steam moments, I should feel the empathy but ignore the advice completely because the only outcome of such advice is self-damaging paranoia and desperation.

h. It is good to directly refer to those you oppose and be precise about it. General contempt would hurt hard working people. The approach may also fuel the paranoia of many of your readers. How about acknowledging that you were letting off steam, you identify the problem and the philosophical aspect of it, but your guidance needs refinement.

Trust yourself and move on from the superficial, contemplating on it is usually futile.

This is a professional network, i want to secure transactions and you may presume all my activities as commercial. It is a good thing if i am thorough on the commercial aspects, clients and customers will have clarity and won't feel cheated. it does not make me worthless. 

Moreover there are countless examples  of works done with commercial intent that were viewed as groundbreaking works of art  and vice versa. 

Another thing, unrelated to this, you frequently raise the apprehension of “soul-damage”. Please do not fuel the fears and doubts of the reader unnecessarily. Fear suppresses emotion and clouds rationality.

Again, writing is simply about writing. Let the process be the guide and all other guides serve as enablers to gain consistency and variety. I never left music because the industry was too commercial. I left the industry, the music plays on. Similarly, I will keep on writing.

410485e6.jpg i thank Blaine Little for making me aware of this quote.


Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #62

also i got the sheep suit when i decided to say Goodbye. First attempt i returned. I avoided the second.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #61

i just got the sheep suit and a guilt trip that i misused the profile photo and the content. I was merely responding with my views. But i realise that i was purposefully allowed to let it snowball till the sheep suit threshold is achieved to play the victim and gain sympathy. I guess i will have to suffer the consequences, as i did in many other cases. Donna-Luisa Eversley. I feel this buzz will really have some.meaning a year from now. Right now i do not have the numbers, just a few super people who agree :) thats worth it.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #60

Time for me to.move on too :) this was good practice :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #59

i am already healed. This is a what if scenario if i wasn't. Secondly you have a chariot now. Move on :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #58

well that is an ill of marketing exemplified, again.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #57

"He who sees only himself is destined forever to understand and see value in nothing." (The Wisdom of Chung King, The Second Scroll, circa 650 AD). BTW ROFLMAO AICGU.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #56

"He who sees only himself will forever be destined to understand and see value in nothing." (The Wisdom of Chung King, The SecondScroll, circa 650 AD). BTW ROFLMAO AICGU.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #55

i am not Phil Friedman :). I guess this fact is ireelevant to you and consequently irrelevant to me :) Have a great time.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #54

if you have read me here, there is a fundamental flaw in my entire response to you in the comments. I hope you figure it out :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #53

f) Without clarifying the circumstances in their entirety and without telling the downside, your teachings look very dangerous. g) it is possible that i might be biased against you, it is possible that i did not read you correctly. To remove these lapses i responded to you para by para. h) Maybe you could share these things in more depth , which will be subject to scrutiny . Or maybe you just stick with the inner conflict problems which are relatable, identifiable and the unique attribute of your writing. I) The solution part sounds like the countless preachy godmen here in India who have undeniably conned countless people to build empires while the goodwilled teachers get a handful few teaching in anonymity in secluded huts.. What you teach has a high demand in the market, just by labellig commercial as evil you maybe denying people some good help. Just by focusing on theoretical solutions you maybe denying yourself the progress on your desired path. Pl Note : i am selling you an idea of personal branding and i plan to replicate it in the Indian market. Also i am telling you how to write. I can be inhuman and evil sometimes :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #52

a) Phil Friedman doesn't look stupid to me. b) In matters of experience, nobody can be presumed wrong. This includes you. c)But what is right for you does not have to be right for me. I can decide if it is wrong for me. d) i can certainly voice a disagreement, given it is in the public domain i can voice it so that readers know the downside of things. I could relate to the fact that if i was a desperate person struggling with life, your writing could have really messed me up further. e)Everything in the world has a downside, this includes looking behind the veil, which includes the journey as well as the outcome.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #51

"He who fails to read between the lines always misses the point." (The Wisdom of Chung King, circa 650 AD). BTW and for the record, Chung King was not a Chinese philosopher. That's the fact. I know. Trust me. Cheers!

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #50

Well Dylan makes every word count. Still when people are in my face im happy they werent behind my back. The approach changes with circumstances :) Truthfully speaking people have a funny way of stabbing me in the chest and saying, i am your true friend :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #49

deep down i know what people sbay behind my back. I feel happy that it isnt in my face :) And yes after Holi i watch Landruex.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #48

strangely i never saw much of Star Trek , probably cause it was on TV. Watched Star Wars when they played in theatre. Saw cable tv for thw first time in 95 and star trek was always a late night show :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #47

exactly. Seeig things as they are presented is good for cooperation, communication and negotiation. Things behind the curtain are apprehensions against which one has to prepare but assuming it as inevitable and removing all other possibilities really complicates matters.. What you just wrote is a great way of saying it simply. Thanks again

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #46

The key, Devesh and Gerry, is to understand that "the play's the thing" -- and your part is what you do and see on stage. Any behind-the-scenes reality, if such exists, is irrelevant, precisely because it is unknowable except for the Great Bee in the Sky. This is The Truth. Because I know. Trust me. Cheers!

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #45

i dont know if the sense i make is what you wish to convey. But the conversation grows into useful directions. It is like getting an input which isnt painful because you allow me to understand as i please.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #44

i met a bee. To metabee. All in the name of bee one is to bee free?

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #43

keeping it much on topic :) i had to re read that part to grasp the "much" word. Add to it when it stumbles. Get that too. Guess i have been moderated too much in other areas to realise this. I am still to realise the achievement part but thanks a lot for the understanding on moderation.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #42

A moderator doesn't just restrict or censor. A good moderator introduces and initiates the conversation, adds to it as needed when it stumbles, and guides it forward on track. One of the signs is the duration of the conversation. You have achieved much in stimulating this conversation. IMO, of course. :-)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #41

if your could also guide me as to the format it would be a great help. Apparently i even have to create a framework within which it can be assumed as rational. Thanks for the advice. One more question.From where do i start all of the above. Right now all equates to You and I and None excludes us both. Ref #69

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #40

i think we have affinity :) you and i. Secondly, thanks a lot. The point here is not moderation or restriction or countering aggression. The simple point here is that it is real. I like this a lot :) This is a disagreement wherein i am being presumed as someone who is making a personal attack in a diplomatic way. That happens when my intent is judged. What if it is viewed simply as a disagreement wherein i have highlighted a personal method of filtering the good or the bad as per my needs and apprehensions. This is an acknowledgement, i do read Max and i find it unique. But as a reader i disagree with the solution and the comments did not look like a good medium to express wherein i was outrightly rejected or accepted but never understood. I put in the effort because i appreciate the writing else i would have simply muted him and refrained from reading anything by him. This is also a final attempt to see if the message can be communicated, hence directly addressed. Now people are free to dig ulterior motives etc etc, maybe i am in denial and may have them and my explanation above is a lie that i tell myself. But digging ulterior motives as the first step to knowing people is a bad approach in life. It works for people professionally, but personally speaking to me it isnt worth the time ans effort, even professionally it is best to secure the said words and ignore the unsaid. Infact state all that others are shy to say to have it n record and for all to know. You self censor. I had to write an excessively long post for a two pointer :) Thanks again.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #39

i wasnt moderating. I just asked questions :)

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #38

Devesh, if everyone restricted their comments strictly to the substance of your post, believe me, you would have many fewer comments. Instead what you have are comments about a myriad of issues, which are triggered by the fact of the post and some of the initial or anticipated comments, not necessarily by its content. But as the author, I believe it is your place, indeed job to moderate the conversation to keep it pretty much on topic. IMO. Cheers!

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #37

Devesh, if everyone restricted their comments strictly to the substance of your post, believe me you would have many fewer comments. Instead what you have are comments about a myriad of issues, which are triggered by the fact of the post and some of the initial ar anticipated comments, not necessarily by its content. But as the author, I believe it is you place, indeed job to moderate the conversation to keep it pretty much on topic. IMO. Cheers!

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #36

if a dialogue exists and i am made aware of being impolite i try to make amends. We all.have biases, lapses of sweetness and sometimes the compulsion to stretch sentences logically correct to minimise the distractions of scrutiny of everything else except the essence of the message. What i do not understand is the persistence with observing those odd behaviour? I am sure the reasons would be valid but i cant figure it out. Secondly, i wrote quite a few things before this buzz but this one has outgrown all in a.single day. I had no ulterior motive or intent hereI was trying to be precise with a disagreement in a single buzz rather than.multiple comments across multiple threads. I never thought people would end up explaining a lot of thinly related things to each other.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #35

Pardon me, Devesh, for presuming to restate Gerald Hecht's comment #60, but I do understand it because it falls within my experience. If I understand Gerry, he is saying he finds it odd that there are some who claim to dislike the level of "discord" which they perceive some others to introduce into the "conversation", and who claim to "mute" the perceived "offender", but who continue to invite comment by tagging them. Gerry also points out that the use of "IMO" is not a belligerent challenge, but an invitation to engage in dialogue. Keeping in mind that dialogue is about ideas and opinions, not about who is violating the tenets of Bee Sweet. Cheers!

Robert Cormack

7 years ago #34

Yes, it's here:

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #33

i get the drift of #59 but i am lost with what you wrote now. As if i cannot comprehend anything straightforward Or i had the delusion that i understand you but i really never did

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #32

Gerald Hecht, Of late, I've come to Beelieve the correct path is to Bee and let others Bee. Which means that I restrict my critical comments to my own articles, which people can choose to read or ignore. It would help, of course, if the forces of Bee Sweetness would ease back on seeking to quash dissent in every corner of Bee Land. And if they would recognize the very marked difference between Beeing in disagreement and Beeing disagreeable. That said, I personally appreciate your style of delivering self-reflective truth, albeit somewhat over the top at times. For to my mind, Beeing made uncomfortable is one way of Beeing encouraged to reflect upon one's own ideas and opinions. Please note that I have, in my desire to Bee more friendly and sweeter, tried to avoid using "big" words in this comment. Bee well, Gerry, and Bee all you can. Cheers!

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #31

agreed on the part that it isnt worthwhile talking about intent. But then it slips in doesnt it, once anyone is viewed as narcisistic. Had to go for a long para by para response consequent to a lot of interactions. Actually, I became an unhappy reader after reading some good buzzes because the rants grew and grew with no genuine basis. I am guilty about writing about writing.i do not claim to be a good writer, but yes i did feel the need to express what i think. I am confused about a lot of things, but in this case i think i had clarity. Where can i read "the art of reduction" is it a buzz here?

Robert Cormack

7 years ago #30

This is a very long explanation about something that will always have disagreement. Yes, telling people how to write is narcissistic (I'm still amazed how many read them, though). I don't object to someone suggesting tips to help writers. What I do object to is bad writers trying to give advice on writing. When I wrote "The Art of Reduction" I made my intention clear from the start: We can all REDUCE by honestly examining what we write. Clarity is everything. Simplicity is everything. Let's stop arguing about intent and practise my favourite word: EDIT.
Let's keep on writing stories ! Many thanks
I fully agree with 's comment. Let's celebrate diversity of thought and opinion and keep it positive even when we agree to disagree. DAVID many thanks. You always bring common sense to us 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

Ian Weinberg

7 years ago #27

A sophist gunslinger! Wow I'm smitten. Thought I knew it all. Spent most of the night trying to get my head around it and failed. Deeply in hopeless-helpless now. Fear a consequential inflammatory storm. Injecting etanercept on the hour. The damn full moon's not helping. The cosmic jhgDvg and Htdbhbx didn't help either. Gerald Hecht can you provide a lasting solution??

Ian Weinberg

7 years ago #26

This is deeply inspiring. And I thank you most humbly. With great clarity I see it all exposed before me. From vbgfrih tonghkbXfr and with added jhgTS bj . Just makes so such sense. Just need to do more work on that Sophist gunslinger, then it's all in the bag.

Bill Stankiewicz

7 years ago #25


Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #24

whatever the process. I find certain aspects quite amusing.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #23

Okay, Gerald Hecht, as much as I admire your intellect and writing I must call you out on this one. Previously, you lambasted me with a bogus allegation (IMHO) of trying to quell free speech or at least being against it (remember?). But now you're the one basically saying that everyone does NOT have a right to speak their opinion? Well, is that not the same as stifling free speech, professor? Thanks in advance for further educating me on the difference.

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #22

Okay, Gerald, I'm sorry to be a bit assertive here but I must call you out on this one. Previously, you lambasted me with a bogus allegation (IMHO) of trying to quell free speech or at least be against it. But now you're basically saying that everyone does NOT have a right to speak their opinion? Well, is that not the same as stifling free speech, professor? Thanks in advance for educating me on the difference.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #21

i hear you. I agree its impossible. After Lynrd Synrd i always thought FB meant Free Bird . Now i know it is very important to face a book when reading it. Soon i would be able to conclusively say that it is essential even when one has to write a book. I am yet to test this on humans.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #20

that was intended. I might be guilty of wordplay but i tried to be precise and i did advice on how to write. It can be inhuman of me. Thanks for the twitter shares.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #19

thats a quest for life. Perhaps a Journey to the East for me. Given the Chinese travelled West to reach India.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #18

well he liked it. Possibly the Chinese did too. I cannot conclusively refuse the conduit theory so it is still an option. And i do like the writing. Transmission losses can always be factored in.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #17

good book. It takes a while to realise who the good guy is

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

7 years ago #16

Abe Cady main character of the novel QB VII of Leon Uris. I do not know if Ben Gazzara's TV series also mentioned this quote. I have written it by heart and the words may change, but the concept is that.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #15

I think it was Groucho Marx who said, "I wouldn't believe anyone was a good writer if they said they were, for no good writer would ever think they were." Or was that Chung King in theSecond Scroll? I can;t remember.

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

7 years ago #14

No- It was just a quote from a novel. Simply. What you interpret I can not control. Thanks for the dialogue.

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

7 years ago #13


Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #12

i did read it. I did it. Yes i did. I even tried the rope a dope :)

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #11

true :)

Julio Angel 🐝Lopez Lopez

7 years ago #10

A writer one conference, title How to Learn to Be a Great Writer. I look at them and say raise your hand what you want to be a great writer. They all raised their hands. So what are you doing here? Why are not they already writing? You must write friend Devesh Bhatt

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #9

i did ___ it

Ali Anani

7 years ago #8

I enjoyed this buzz and so shared it in the Consortium Hive- the hive for conflicting views. I had disagreement too with and I hope differences and disagreement lead to better understanding and not taking issues personally.

Bill Stankiewicz

7 years ago #7

Keep writing

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #6

great proverb wise man

David B. Grinberg

7 years ago #5

I think you both make good points in your own unique ways, Devesh and . Everyone is entitled to their opinion, of course, especially in an online open dialogue. I would just encourage all bees to be vigilant in keeping constructive criticism...well, constructive, cordial and respectful. Yes, we can all agree to disagree, but let's try to focus on the positive and see the good in others -- as diversity of thought and opinion is something to be relished and cherished. It wouldn't be very interesting or lively if we all thought and acted the same. Thus, let's celebrate diversity of thought and opinion and keep it positive even when we agree to disagree. At least that's my take, for whatever it's worth. Thanks very much for considering these suggestions meant for everyone on this platform (including me).

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #4

Devesh Bhatt makes some important points here about writing and publishing on beBee.

Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

7 years ago #3

food for thought, maybe whining too is a process for someone to arrive at something. The problem is when the process becomes cyclic and the objective is denied. The point of reference to initiate understanding becomes a border of relevance that must not be crossed. Btw whenever i come across what you write, i am listening and learning. Whether i learnt it right is subject to consequence :) Thanks for stopping by.

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #2

Well said -- and well documented -- Devesh. I agree with you that, if writing is about writing, then write and publish. Stop complaining about how some other people tell other people how to write, for those people are only speaking to those readers who want to listen. And stop whining about alleged backdoor deals, which are only figments of your imagination and a feeble explanation for why some writers may be better read than you. Consider instead that maybe, just maybe, some potential readers are not impressed by claims of being the Leader of the Second Coming or of your chaneling Universal Truth. Write and publish. And #LETTHEAUDIENCEDECIDE. Cheers!

Phil Friedman

7 years ago #1

Well said -- and well documented -- Devesh. I agree with you that, if writing is about writing, then write and publish. Stop complaining about how some other people tell other people how to write, for those people are only speaking to those readers who want to listen. And stop whining about alleged backdoor deals, which are only figments of your imagination and a feeble explanation for why some writers may be better read than you. Consider instead that maybe, just maybe, some potential readers are not impressed by claims of being at Leader of the Second Coming or chaneling Universal Truth. Write and publish. And #LETTHEAUDIENCEDECIDE. Cheers!

Articles from Devesh 🐝 Bhatt

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7 years ago · 0 min. reading time

The wise don’t try, · To make the others think. · And when they all do, · It's a wicked wise wink. · ...

7 years ago · 1 min. reading time

The Dark was friendly, · She was once my friend. · She kept the light out, · She let anyone in. ...

7 years ago · 0 min. reading time

You can always walk out, · There's no leash, no chain. · While i give you bread, · Just ignore your ...

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