Post by Rajesh
Rajesh Pandey

Rajesh Pandey


Pune, Pune

Rajesh Pandey

8 months ago


anaged development of a robust Cloud platform sitting on Azure architecture.
Configured OIB & TR with MyRewards portal in IKEA for 35 countries.
Shared best practices and guided engineers while implementing
infrastructure as code, using CloudFormation and Terraform
Directed SQL Server development & deployed concepts like Star Schema, Snow Flake, Fact Tables, etc.
Monitored Full/Incremental Daily Loads and rendered support for all scheduled jobs.
Managed 100% of existing Azure/GCP Cloud environments, automation, monitoring metrics, disaster recovery/backups, and
capacity planning.
Created and implemented DevOps pipelines to deliver Infrastructure as Code
Defined branching strategy, permissions, and access management for 10+ engineering teams
Collaborated with 3 engineering teams to help with Azure Role
Management and provisioning Azure resources.
Documented business/functional requirements & reviewed HLD & LLD the solution architecture for MRP proje

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